AP-Sync is a software library that makes sending data between Arduino and Processing easier. It works well with any size chunks of data with the right kind of hardware.
AP-Sync communicates between Arduino and Processing seamlessly through Serial tethering.
Both the arduino and processing need their respective copies of the library to work.
Installing the library on Arduino
Download AP-Sync for arduino
Extract zip file
Place Extracted folder with the name APsync to Arduino's libraries folder
Restart Arduino IDE if initially open.
Installing the library on Processing
Open Processing Sketch Import Library... Add Library...
On the contribution manager, Search for APSync.
Click on AP-Sync and click Install.
Download AP-Sync for processing
Extract zip file
Place Extracted folder with the name APsync to Processing's libraries folder
Restart Processing IDE if initially open.
Let there be AP-Sync
In both the arduino and processing sides, much like any other libraries on most programming languages, a library must be included/imported to be used.
Then an instance of AP-Sync can be created.
Arduino Side
Processing Side
Example Title
Arduino Side
Processing Side
Example Title
Arduino Side
Processing Side